Bill Mack
Bill Mack

My brother Bill Mack

Twenty-Four years ago today my brother Bill was murdered when Libyan terrorists blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. His spirit still lives within many people. His love of life and infectious laugh I can still hear. And I know his presence in my life has guided me many times over the last 24 years. He was returning from a trip with Liz Marek on a vacation to London. The day is one of those which is frozen in place. Yet I know good can come out of bad. I was part of the family organization which sprang up right after the bombing. We worked to change the airline laws, push the government to find out who was responsible and then pushed through many channels including Congress, the Whitehouse and the United Nations to get those responsible to a trial. Changes can be made.

This week’s news out of Newtown, Connecticut struck close to home for many reasons. Liz Marek’s family lives in the next town over. And in all tragedies such as this I am immediately struck by the feeling of being back there on the wrong side of a news story. My heart goes out to those who have lost family and friends. And to those who helped the victims’ families and all who are affected by this event.

The call for changes in the laws need to be met by all of us speaking out. Change can come from tragedy. We can get a ban on assault weapons and bullets. We can get better healthcare for those who need it and not have it be so difficult or so expensive that you cannot get the health services you need. But we must all stand up for what we believe in. Write your Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen and tell them what you believe and that you won’t support them if they don’t write a series of laws to help prevent this in the future. We can all post in blogs and in tweets but that will not change things. Support the organizations in Washington working for the change in gun laws and healthcare. If your representative to Congress doesn’t tell them they will not get your vote in the future. Attend a rally. Be vocal. And work by lobbying from your point of view. Perception is that large groups with lots of money always win in Washington. Not always. But we must be louder and yes, make the politicians think they won’t keep their jobs if they don’t actually represent those who elected them. That is what change is about. I was privileged to work with many amazing people as we worked for change.

Liz Marek & Bill Mack

Liz Marek & Bill Mack

I honored Bill & Liz by working for change. We were on the right side of the issue. We as a country are on the right side of the issues facing us now. May change take place – so those murdered in Newtown will be honored in the same way.

May Peace Prevail,
